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Target - Finding Letters in Words

Target - A simple word puzzle. The beginnings of pain. The basic problem is a grid of nine letters printed in a newspaper. One of the aims is to generate words using the central letter from the square. The sub goal is to find the nine letter word that uses all of the letter.

The rules of the game are:

And an example:


Target: 15 words, good; 22 very good; 30 excellent.

As a programmer, my inclination to solve these kind of problems is quite low. Scrabble is one of my weaker games. Alas, I am also very competitive, so when this became popular at a camp I volunteer at I was motivated to improve.

The catch is that I’m a little bit lazy. The way to improve at the game is to do lots of them. That doesn’t sound like fun to me.

Last time, I used a very simple regular expression and scanned the words list. I then manually filtered out the invalid words.

Having done a bit of Cocoa programming, I want to create a GUI version of a solver for this puzzle. However, an approximate solver isn’t good enough. I need to be able to exactly solve the word puzzle.

Sitting around at the OSDC, I took the opportunity to try and write the engine part.

A few attempts in Python and I worked out that for an algorithm such as this, either the language or my understanding of it was insufficient for experimentation. For this kind of problem, I tend to think of them mentally in functional style. Fortunately, Haskell is installed on my computer.

Firstly, I needed a function to check if a letter exists in a word:

letterInWord :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
letterInWord a [] = False
letterInWord a (w:ws)
 | a == w = True
 | otherwise = letterInWord a ws

Given that a letter can only be used once in a target word, a function that removes a letter from a word was needed:

removeLetter :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
removeLetter l [] wss = wss
removeLetter l (w:ws) wss
 | l == w    = ws ++ wss
 | otherwise = removeLetter l ws (w:wss)

The two helper functions can then be glued together to determine if a given word is contained in the letters of the second word:

lettersInWord :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
lettersInWord [] [] = True
lettersInWord [] (w:ws) = True
lettersInWord (l:ls) [] = False
lettersInWord (l:ls) (w:ws)
 | letterInWord l (w:ws) = lettersInWord ls (removeLetter l (w:ws) [])
 | otherwise = False

This solution came together very quickly, but iterates twice through the word. A bit more time in Hugs and the two helper functions become one:

lettersInWord :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
lettersInWord [] [] = True
lettersInWord [] (w:ws) = True
lettersInWord (l:ls) [] = False
lettersInWord (l:ls) (w:ws)
 | isInWord = lettersInWord ls remainingLetters
 | otherwise = False
where (isInWord, remainingLetters) = removeLetterInWord l (w:ws) []

removeLetterInWord :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] -> (Bool, [a])
removeLetterInWord l [] wss = (False, wss)
removeLetterInWord l (w:ws) wss
 | l == w    = (True, ws ++ wss)
 | otherwise = removeLetterInWord l ws (w:wss)

This covers the basic search for words. It just misses a few of the rules. It doesn’t check if the middle letter is used and it doesn’t check word length. Something to add on a rainy day.

One question I have is whether or not I could do something like this in Python. It is possible to write Python code to do this, but the more interesting question is why I had mind block when attempting to use Python. I suspect this is because I have spent longer using Haskell for algorithms and tend to use Python as glue. Hopefully, PyGame will provide enough motivation to improve my Python coding.

Programmer efficiency aside, the next interesting question is how efficient the two languages are. Performance will matter, as the intent is to run this over a large dictionary of words. Interfacing into Python or Objective C for use in a Cocoa GUI is another question.

Of course, this is pretty close to being an anagram solver. This is a solved problem with many free ones on the Internet. Luckily, I get a kick out of solving the problem using my own program.