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Saving a file using NSSavePanel

Saving a file was something I’d been avoiding for a while, as I hadn’t been able to find the right control in Interface Builder to make it happen. This had led me to believe it was going to be difficult and was delayed for a long time.

Today, I bit the bullet and spent some time to figure this out. My suspicion was that there existed a control that would do the work for me, as file handling is quite consistent from a UI perspective in Mac OS X. Reading through Cocoa Programming didn’t provide any enlightenment, so I went back to the XCode documentation.

By this stage of my Cocoa learning, I really should have known better. Apple’s documentation has solved too many problems for me to be consulting it as a last resort. Unfortunately, I suspect it is a lesson I will have to keep learning.

Apple provides this information about the NSSavePanel class. Finding this class was my ‘aha!’ moment for the day. No wonder I couldn’t find it in Interface Builder, it isn’t an IB control in the normal sense.

In Python, the simple version looks something like:

from AppKit import *

def saveFile_(self):
    sp = NSSavePanel.savePanel()
    if sp.runModal() < = 0:
    print 'Filename: ' + sp.filename()

This will throw a standard file save modal dialog box and ask for a filename to save. There are a bunch more options on the NSSavePanel class, which I may explore later. The interesting part will be making the save panel appear in a sheet.

Something to explore later.