A great way to learn is to read other people’s code. And in that vein, Chris Lowe has a great post on suggested OSS Rails apps to look into.
One technique I picked up from [simply_agile][] is to validate the HTML output by your views. That way, bad HTML isn’t introduced.
To start with, you need to install the [assert_valid_xhtml][] plugin and the libxml-ruby gem.
In your [spec/spec_helper.rb][] file, add the following inside the config block:
config.include ValidateXhtml
And at the end of the file, outside the config block, include the following:
describe "a standard view", :shared => true do
it "should be successful" do
response.should be_success
it "should be valid" do
response.should be_valid_xhtml
Now in your view specs, include the following line:
it_should_behave_like "a standard view"
And that’s it. Now each view will be tested for valid xhtml when you run your specs.
There are a lot of other great techniques scattered through the projects mentioned in the original post. And if you want more details on good practices for RSpec, check out the RSpec Book.