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Reading email in Chinese with Python

Read email from a mailbox, in Chinese, with Python. Sounded easy.

After playing at the python prompt and many Google searches later, still no success. Then, I found two articles that helped.

Turns out that there are a few tricks to getting email parsing to work properly for multi-byte languages.

So, if you end up with strings something like:



=CA=AF[=CA=AF] sh=A8=AA =A2=D9 rock =A2=DA stone =A2=DB stone inscription =A2==DC one of the eight ancient musical instruments =B0=CB=D2=F4[ba1 yin1]=20=C0=BC=BB=A8[=CCm=BB=A8] l=A8=A2nhu=A8=A1 =A2=D9 cymbidium =A2=DA orchid=20

Then, you’ll need two different approaches. One for the header strings, and one for the body text.

Given an email message, either from a string or file:

from email import header
import email
msg = email.message_from_string(str_msg)

Then, headers can be read using something like:

subject, encoding = header.decode_header(msg['Subject'])[0]
print subject.decode(encoding)

Which gives:

Qingwen Word List:  有意思的词 

In this case, the encoding can be read from the email message and is ‘gb2312’.

The body text needs a slightly different approach:

print unicode(msg.get_payload(decode=True), msg.get_content_charset(), 'replace')


[] shí  rock  stone  stone inscription  one of the eight ancient musical instruments  八音 [ba1 yin1]
 兰花 [?] lánhuā  cymbidium  orchid...

The ‘replace’ option will mark unknown characters using U+FFFD, rather than throw an exception.

This approach should work for most languages. Getting the various decodings sorted out allowed me to move forward on a project I’m working on. Now to re-implement it test first.

I know the format of the emails coming in, so can ignore multi-part MIME messages. If you are looking for some more details on how to handle them, check out this article.

If you were curious about the =DA encoding, it is called quoted-printable (RFC).