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Learning iOS programming

I am attempting to get into beginner’s mind as I dive into learning iOS programming.

This post includes some of the resources that I’ve found useful so far.


I’m now fully sold on tech books on Kindle, as I can read on multiple devices and have available on my Mac for searching when needed.



Other tactics

I am making a point of trying to read as much iOS code as I can. I find this helpful in seeing how other programmers have solved problems. I’m using a mix of production and example code, as well as examining particular commits that look interesting.

I am attempting to fill my Twitter feed with useful iOS content, and randomly following people relating to iOS programming. (eg. @mattt, @drance, @chockenberry, @mattjgalloway, @rwenderlich, & @secboffin)

The other thing I’m doing is to have a hobby iOS project. This gives me specific challenges to try and solve in a real app. So far, I have this deployable through TestFlight to try out on a few phones around the house.

Still so much to dig into and learn. I’m not yet comfortable with unit testing for iOS, and this is the next big thing on my list. Things like CocoaPods, AFNetworking, mogenerator, and Kiwi are likely to follow.