Instant message bots are all the rage at the moment. Twitter has an IM bot, Google has recently provided language translation via instant messaging.
For example, invite
to be your friend on
Google Talk and it will translate English text to Chinese.
There are 24 bots currently available: ar2en, de2en, de2fr, el2en, en2ar, en2de, en2el, en2es, en2fr, en2it, en2ja, en2ko, en2nl, en2ru, en2zh, es2en, fr2de, fr2en, it2en, ja2en, ko2en, nl2en, ru2en, zh2en. As some have guessed, this is a 20% project, and while machine translation isn’t perfect, we hope these bots can be helpful in bridging language barriers.
Seen via blogscoped.