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Java interop with Clojure and Mahout

While porting a simple example of generating a Hadoop file for Mahout, I came across a number of edge cases of the Clojure Java interop.

Nested Classes

Java allows for classes to be nested. However, Clojure doesn’t provide an obvious way of referencing them.

For example, Hadoop’s SequenceFile includes SequenceFile.Writer and SequenceFile.Reader.

To access these in Clojure, the period is replaced by a dollar sign.

For example:

(ns example
  (:import [ SequenceFile$Writer]))

  writer (SequenceFile$Writer. fs conf path
                               (class Text)
                               (class VectorWritable))

This thread on the mailing list has some more details.


From the Java code, generics add annotations about the type. However, at the JVM level, generics are nowhere to be seen. It turns out that generics are a compiler level feature only.

What this means for Clojure is that you can safely ignore them, provided that you honour the types that are included in the generic.

Thus the following Java:

List<NamedVector> apples = new ArrayList<NamedVector>();

Can be written in Clojure:

(def apples (ArrayList.))

The responsibility is then on the programmer to ensure the types put into the collection.

This thread on the mailing list has some background.

Primitive Arrays

I started out looking at how to construct a double[] to pass to DenseVector.

Turns out that there are a number of things to be wary of when constructing primitive arrays. Bradford Cross has written this up with examples in a blog post.

The considerations I took away were:

  1. double-array function to migrate a Clojure data structure
  2. make-array with Double/TYPE to pre-allocate the array
  3. Type hints should be considered
  4. Odd things are likely to be happening with type coercion, so check run time performance.