Skritter tracks data on my Chinese study while I use it. With their new API, I can make use of R to try and spot some trends.
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Downloading the data
Using a client for the Skritter API, you can download either progress stats or every item you’ve ever studied. I chose to start with progress statistics.
The script I used is available here.
There is a lot of data returned across three dimensions:
- word and character level stats
- definition, reading, writing (rune), and tone
- learned, learning, remembered, and studied items
In addition, there is the number of days studied, and the time studied in seconds. You can request by day, week or month, with different limits.
I wanted as long a timespan as possible, so downloaded two years of data at month granularity. I then dumped it all into a CSV file, with a header row.
For example:
date,client,days studied,time studied,word defn learned,...
Loading into R
Loading the data into R is straightforward.
skritter.raw <- read.csv("data/skritter_stats.csv")
The data is now all in one place:
## [1] "date" "client"
## [3] "days.studied" "time.studied"
## [5] "word.defn.learned" "word.defn.learning"
## [7] "word.defn.remembered" "word.defn.studied"
## [9] "word.reading.learned" "word.reading.learning"
## [11] "word.reading.remembered" "word.reading.studied"
## [13] "word.rune.learned" "word.rune.learning"
## [15] "word.rune.remembered" "word.rune.studied"
## [17] "word.tone.learned" "word.tone.learning"
## [19] "word.tone.remembered" "word.tone.studied"
## [21] "char.defn.learned" "char.defn.learning"
## [23] "char.defn.remembered" "char.defn.studied"
## [25] "char.reading.learned" "char.reading.learning"
## [27] "char.reading.remembered" "char.reading.studied"
## [29] "char.rune.learned" "char.rune.learning"
## [31] "char.rune.remembered" "char.rune.studied"
## [33] "char.tone.learned" "char.tone.learning"
## [35] "char.tone.remembered" "char.tone.studied"
Cleaning up the data
Given that this is a time series, that is the first transformation to make:
skritter.cumulative <- ts(skritter.raw[, -1], start = c(2012, 5), frequency = 12)
The ts
function converts the data frame into a time series object. I strip
out the first column (skritter.raw[,-1]
), as the time information is now in
the time series.
Examining a column shows that the data is cumulative:
skritter.cumulative[, "word.tone.remembered"]
## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov
## 2012 0 269 776 1368 2322 3357 4161
## 2013 5838 6480 7136 8455 9490 10844 12310 13954 16252 18175 20265
## 2014 23703 25574 27319 28972 30694
## Dec
## 2012 5226
## 2013 22002
## 2014
To get the increment per month, we can subtract the time series from itself
with a lag introduced. Time series in R use different functions than data
frames, so double check you still have a time series (eg. is.ts(...)
skritter <- diff(skritter.cumulative, lag = 1, difference = 1)
skritter[, "word.tone.remembered"]
## Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
## 2012 269 507 592 954 1035 804 1065
## 2013 612 642 656 1319 1035 1354 1466 1644 2298 1923 2090 1737
## 2014 1701 1871 1745 1653 1722
## [1] TRUE
Now all the columns show the increase (or decrease) per month, while remaining a time series.
Visualising trends
The actual numbers aren’t so interesting, as they correlate to the amount of time spent.
To see the relationship between two series, try:
plot(days.studied ~ word.rune.remembered, data = skritter)
However, the number of days isn’t as useful as the actual time spent:
plot(time.studied ~ word.rune.remembered, data = skritter)
The next thing is to compare the ratios between time spent and aspects of studying. To simplify, I used a function to extract parts of the data:
extractsummary <- function(s, aspect = "remembered", type = "word") {
summary <- ts.union(reading = s[, paste(type, "reading", aspect, sep = ".")],
tone = s[, paste(type, "tone", aspect, sep = ".")], rune = s[, paste(type,
"rune", aspect, sep = ".")], defn = s[, paste(type, "defn", aspect,
sep = ".")])
is used to construct the column names:
paste("word", "reading", "remembered", sep=".")
## [1] "word.reading.remembered"
And grabbed data for both words and characters remembered:
word.remembered <- extractsummary(skritter)
char.remembered <- extractsummary(skritter, type = "char")
R can operate across all the columns at the same time. This makes it easy to plot the number of character aspects remembered per hour of study.
The column names need to be re-added, so they show as plot labels.
char.remembered.per.hour <- (char.remembered * 60 * 60)/skritter[, "time.studied"]
colnames(char.remembered.per.hour) <- colnames(char.remembered)
plot(char.remembered.per.hour, main = "Character aspects remembered per hour")
Looking at the plot, I seem to be improving the number of tones that I learn per hour, and slightly improving on how fast I learn new writings. Definitions and reading seem to have taken about the same time across two years.
Repeating for words:
word.remembered.per.hour <- (word.remembered * 60 * 60)/skritter[, "time.studied"]
colnames(word.remembered.per.hour) <- colnames(word.remembered)
plot(word.remembered.per.hour, main = "Word aspects remembered per hour")
There are a few other plots that are useful.
For example, looking at the words learned by season:
seasonplot(skritter[, "word.tone.learned"])
monthplot(skritter[, "word.tone.learned"])
Looking at these, I seem to put more time into Chinese study during August, September and October.
Further reading
These articles and PDFs helped me understand how and why time series in R are useful:
- Forecasting: principles and practice — there is so much in this free online book.
- Fpp - Using R — crash course in time series for R.
- Introduction to R’s time series facilities — an ebook, helpful for converting mathematical functions to R time series.
To generate this post, I used RMarkdown.